Oregon Street Kids 
         by Mark Sunderman

Oregon Street Kids

Oregon Street Kids

An American Story
It Was The Summer of 1967
The Last Summer of Our Innocence


Do you remember playing
ball in the street and
yelling "grave yard"
when a car was coming?

Do you remember screaming
"bee bee bumble bee
all out come in free"
while playing kick the can
in the alley?

Do you remember catching
and filling a jar with
lightning bugs on a warm
summer night?

Do you remember tying
sewing thread around
the legs of June Bugs
and watching them
fly in circles?

Do you remember throwing
sticks into the air at bats
and watching them follow
it back down to the ground?

Do you remember cashing
in empty pop bottles?

Do you remember
trading in Double Cola
caps for prizes?

Live Those Magical Years
Over Again With
Mark Sunderman
In His Book,
Oregon Street Kids

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Text: (812) 618-5777


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